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including the glossary in online documents by link

this tool allows you to include the glossary in websites on the fly.
It is possible to convert your website directly or, if you intend to use online-conversion, to test the link, you have to use for online conversion.

Direct conversion

Copy the url of the document you want to convert from the adressline of your browser into the input field below and submit with the button "konvertieren".This link should start with "http://".

How to link your page for including the glossary for online conversion

Build a link following our example:
if your document resides on the URL, built a link as follows:
<a href="gc.php?dasland=de&"> my_text </a>
Please note that the links on your document have to be in absolute paths, because your document will be delivered by the glossary server, and not by your usual server anymore.
Check your language: 'de' for german, 'en' for english and 'all' for both languages.
you can test your results here, by inserting your URL.

Check your built URL online down here!

Please note the following tips:

  1. For savety reasons its not possible to convert php files. sorry for that!.
  2. Check your document for not getting converted words, they ought not to have to!.
    Check your document, if all your pictures are seen and your stylesheet is included correctly.
  3. Those links with the explanations are included in your document with every access.
    If the glossary database develops, these links will do it too. So check by times, if everything is still converted correctly. If you are realising, the conversion isn't correct any more, you have to alter the words you used to explain something, that is now converted wrong. Otherwise its a good idea, to use the offline conversion tool 1, where you can manually correct these conversion results.
  4. The explanations on your document here are genereated online by every access.
    So these texts are up to date to the glossary database.
    But you can only use this form for online publishing and is of no use for offline.
  5. This glossary is widly based on javascript, and therefor its rather sensless, having javascript deactivated.
    For this an javascript function gets included in the head of your script.
    Therefore the end tag </head> is required for inclusion.
    capitalisation doesn't matter, however spaces, line feeds and carriage returns will make the skript refuse.

This tool to accesss and integrate the glossary was developed by the RRD project at Charité Virchow Eye Clinic Berlin with support of the German Ministry of Health, and by
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